Friday, February 15, 2013

Going to bed angry

Whether you are living with someone, getting married, or you are married, this is a piece of advice that you've heard or will hear from people:

"Never go to bed angry."

That's a hard statement to live by. Not going to bed angry is like slapping a bull on its rear-end and expecting it to not run after you. It is unfair to you and your significant other to try to solve your problems before bed. Can you imagine in a literal world where people will be up all night trying to solve a problem? It would be ridiculous! Sometimes you need to sleep on it and refresh your mind.

So, go to bed angry. Save your sanity, and his, by letting your brain mull it over while you sleep.

However, I will say this:

Go to bed angry BUT

A) Never kick your spouse out of the bed.
  1) That bed is your hearth. You make love in it, you make life in it, you rest in it. It is symbolic. By sleeping next to your spouse, you entrust your whole self while you are at your weakest. Survival wise, this was important. Now, it is a symbol. Don't make someone sleep anywhere but next to you.
  2) When you wake up the next morning and see that rested face of the person you love, things are put into perspective. Heck, you may even cuddle. Who knows! You might even get that make-up sexy time. But that can't happen if someone has a grudge for being forced out of their bed. Being a former military spouse, I was so grateful that I got to wake up to my husband every day because when he was deployed, I really missed him. And I didn't have regrets, just memories of waking up next to him.

B) Always say, "I love you" before bed.
1) Even if you are angry, saying those words will reaffirm your feelings for each other. It will not only remind your spouse, but remind YOU, that even though things are rough, you have each other. Say I love you all that time.
2) You will never know when you will wake up, but the person that you love won't. I don't mean to be depressing, but it is a part of our reality as human beings. Put it into perspective. Tell your hunny that you love him.

Remind yourself that you are partners in life. Be fair to each other. Put yourself in their shoes. Sometimes, saying nothing is the best thing you can do. Of course, unless it is "I love you."

Hope you have a wonderful evening, a wonderful weekend, and a more peaceful one!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pregnancy Things

These are handouts that I had gotten from my doctor when I was pregnant. Very good reference in case you want to know anything! The laying on the left really helps out! Hopefully you can click on them and see a better view! Just for you future mamas out there who want something!

Valentine's Day for those who have a broken heart

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I would send this out reminding all of the people out there of the number one person you need to celebrate before you celebrate others: Yourself. [Okay, first God, and then yourself.]

I've always heard the rhetorical question, how can you love others if you can’t love yourself? How do you expect others to love you if you can’t love yourself? We’ll go into that in a second.

First of all, I want to reach out to the people who have a broken heart, whether from an unrequited love or over a break-up. This is for you today.

He doesn't deserve you. The guy that wants to be there 100% is going to be there 100%. He will never say he's too busy, because he will MAKE the time to be with you. Same goes for her. Anyone who wants to be there WILL be there. 
I know it hurts to think that he wasn't that into you, but at the same time, he's not and that's a good thing because now you are not going to waste your time and you have more time to find the love of your life.

So if you have given your heart to someone who put it on a dusty shelf, you better take it right back. Who are they to decide your heart is something they can just hold on to? Love isn't a one way thing. You exchange your hearts and proudly display it for the world, not keep it on a shelf. If someone can’t accept your love, then you need to do an about-face and run the hell out of there. It is a learning experience, so take it as it is and move on. Don't regret it, because now that you know what you want, you can look for it in someone better.
A priest once told me that women need to have their heart broken three times before they can find The One. That means falling in love and having your heart shattered. It sucks, but seriously, you are going to find guys that are better and better until they can't get any better because he's THE ONE!

By the way, that guy is a jack-ass if he doesn't realize how amazing you are. And if he didn't, it’s probably because you didn't.


Just think about it. The only person that matters in the world to you needs to be you. And you don't think that you are worthy of love, or that you are worthy of a guy, or that you deserve anything. Seriously, on some level, that's how you are thinking. You can't let yourself get down like that. You need to realize that you ROCK. 

This is something that I’ve told people in the past and they really liked it. So I’m going to say it to you. This is how I learned to love myself.

1. Tell yourself that you don't even deserve yourself.
2. Remind yourself that no one deserves you.
3. Find a goal that you feel will make you a better person.
4. Work hard to deserve yourself.
Once you finally deserve yourself (mine was losing 50lbs and passing my double jury—music thing), then that's when someone will be able to deserve you. 

By then, you'll have so much self esteem (self esteem, not over confidence or an ego), that NO one can deserve you. You will have worked so hard at loving yourself, that you will see that you are worthy of love. Not just some random crush, real love. You will love yourself so much that your eyes will be open to who is and who is not good for you. You will appreciate yourself and want to find someone who will appreciate you too.

You have to really think that. NO ONE DESERVES ME. And the person who realizes that he doesn’t deserve you, is the one who is meant for you. (Ryan still says he doesn't deserve me, every day.)


And then you'll find it. 

I hope you realize how beautiful you are inside and out. Remember that you are a beautiful child of God. Don't be pessimistic and always think, "How can I bounce back, get over it, and move on with my life?" Then do it. Don't just think about it, actually BOUNCE back and move on with your life. That's just how it is.

Good luck with your loves in the future. And with your life! Remember, this is your LIFE; you only get one chance at it. There's no turning back. Every second you let go by, is a second that you can never get back. Don't waste it on someone that doesn’t appreciate your worth., as hard as it is not to...because really, you won't get that time back.

Live by my motto, it has helped me (and then get your own lol)

Live LIFE, Laugh Often, Love ALWAYS, Make Mistakes NEVER Regret, and DARE TO DREAM.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and always remember that you are loved. God bless

Sunday, February 3, 2013


I absolutely love this time in a baby's life. We are reaching the 6 month mark for my Little Miss, and she is becoming very independent. She's been able to sit up by herself for about a month now, and she's finally on her hands and knees attempting the crawl. 

This is usually the time you see their personalities come about. Wide eyes filled with curiosity at the world around them. Things are almost in reach. By now, she has figured out that if she leans and reaches far enough, she can get whatever she wants. I try to give her toys that can't roll away too far, because she gets very frustrated with them. But it is imperative, and fun, to watch babies go for the toys. It helps get them moving!  

Little Miss loves to eat everything. I am kind of worried about that. My first snug bug didn't care much about shoving any sort of anything into his mouth. He is more interested in how things work. He likes to take things apart and put them back together. He's very smart. Of course, I end up with more broken things, but I make sure he only plays with things that I can fix, and don't have small parts. Again, I'm not worried about small parts with Snug Bug, but if he drops something, I know Little Miss will eat it!
She. eats. everything.
It is her way of figuring out the world. It is common, I know that. My younger sister was the same way. She would eat everything from rocks to grass, from hair to actually biting people (well, gumming). So I am concerned that she will find something small and try to eat it and choke. But luckily, we already have our house child-proofed for her age. The wonders of having children closer in age!

Another fun aspect into Little Miss' personality is the bashfulness. She loves to smile at people, and when people smile back at her (because she's too cute to resist), she will partially hide her face, hang her head, and bat her eyes. She's a little flirt! Daddy is going to have to beat the boys away with a bat! It is very adorable.

Little Miss also gets very angry. She will yell at you if you are not giving her attention or if Snug Bug takes away something she is playing with. She gets horrendously jealous. She doesn't cry at you, she yells and babbles. And if she is really angry, she'll start to blow raspberries. That also goes to the other extreme. If she is very happy, she will blow raspberries. 

Have you looked at your baby and seen peeks of their personality? Take note of it if you can! 

What other things are you doing to document the beginning of your little one's life?

Have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I will be back with news about Snug Bug's 2nd birthday party!